Oct 1, 2009

Fall is in the air...

...It is getting ever-so-slightly cooler here in TX.

I thought that I would update my background because these are the only fall colors that I may see! :-)

School has been absolutely crazy with 3 our of 5 new administrators...

Big learning curve for them....Big adjustment curve for us...

I really need to vent more with the blog.

I get overwhelmed with having to write a major creation every time I sign in.

I need to get over that, don't I?

I am so excited for General Conference this weekend...Perspective is a good thing, don't you think?

I am currently serving the the YW presidency and as choir director....Two of my "favorite" callings. Both of them bring great blessings to my life.

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Love the background, btw. GC was great! Plans for thanksgiving? we're hosting if you're headed this way...only a few more weeks.
