Jan 30, 2010

The only things in life that are certain are death and taxes...

....and change!

We have had some exciting news the past few months.

I am now serving in Young Women as the 2nd counselor. I love it!

Allen was recently called to the Bishopric as 2nd counselor. I'm sensing a pattern here.

We were called last month as Ma and Pa for the Pioneer Trek. I am so excited about that. I am furiously reading and studying about my pioneer heritage and thoroughly enjoying it.

I have already had some impressions about some things.

It will be a growing experience for sure.

"Why should we mourn? Or think our lot is hard? 'Tis not so, all is right!"

So busy with so many things, but thankful for the Lord's blessings in my life.


  1. ...just wondering...who is second
    counselor at home?

  2. How do you do all that you do??? Wait, you are your mothers daughter...:-)

    Good luck with your new calling! You will be awesome! I love the YW...(next to primary it's the best!) :-)

    Can't wait to hear your horror stories...I mean testimony building stories from Trec. lol

  3. I need to keep my mouth shut...not 1 hour after I left my comment on your blog, I got called to be the camp director for our ward. :-)

  4. as I read the comments (Jill) I laughed! I'm only sending encouragement and praise the Suz!!

  5. This is all exciting and awesome!! I think it's terrific. You are great with the YW and you will LOVE your trek experience. Even the really hard parts. Brian and I count that as one of the biggest blessings in our life.

    You go girl!!!!
