Mar 28, 2010

Definitions of HARD

I have had some awesome experiences the past two weekends. The TREK reenactment was last weekend and last night was our YW Recognition program and broadcast from SLC.

I was struck throughout these two programs with the fact that: I can do hard things!

Hard is defined many ways. Here are a few:

Resistant to pressure; not readily penetrated,
Physically toughened; rugged,
Mentally toughened; strong-minded,
Requiring great effort or endurance,
Performed with or marked by great diligence or energy,
Difficult to resolve, accomplish, or finish,
and Difficult to understand or impart.

1. Trek was hard...harder than I ever remember as a youth.

2. Allen and I were the only Ma and Pa from our ward. This was great! But, along the way, we were not only shepherding our "children," but were worried and checking on (and worrying about) those kids (and their nonmember friends) that were from our ward.

3. I reached a whole new level of exhaustion when midnight (and mile 17) hit. When you are 14 and motivating yourself, it is hard. When you are 37 and motivating yourself and 7 others, it is even HARDER.

4. I had felt impressed early on that we would have some struggles with our family. As we met them and progressed through the first few hours, I really didn't understand this impression. When we reached the really physically hard stuff, I realized that our VERY small "children" needed us to help. We had been encouraged to let the kids do the work. However, our family would not have made it through the first day had we not pulled and pushed along with them. It was hard!

5. At the recognition program last night, it was mentioned that the YW can do hard things. The YW Recognition award is not an easy task. Trek was not an easy task.

6. I started coals for a couple of meals all by myself. I've never done that before. I think that qualifies as hard, too! :-)

7. Missionary work is hard. We have had some amazing blessings manifest in our ward the past two months regarding missionary work and our youth. We have also received some disappointing setbacks. Missionary work is hard! This I learned about 16 years ago. I am re-learning this now.

Joshua 1:9

Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Women can do hard things! We do them every day. I am strong and I can make a difference!

Just a sidenote...As I bold things in the text of this message, it places STRONG on either side of the word...Hmmm...Interesting, don't you think?


  1. I love your perspective. You are amazing!

  2. You constantly inspire me with the hard things you do :)

    So glad your trek turned out to be such an amazing experience.

  3. I just talked to your Mom more about your trek. Sounds like and amazing time! I am glad you made it back alive. :-)

    Sometimes I find myself praying to avoid lifes HARD times. I am so afraid of challenges that I pray they will not come my way. But through our challenges we grow so much. I need to do more HARD things in my life. I need the growth that comes from going through them.

    Wait...I just remembered I am the Camp director...that should fill my "hard quota" for the year right??
