Apr 26, 2009

I Have a Dream...

...well not me actually. It was Kaden...

This morning as I was getting ready for church, he came into the bathroom and talked to me:

K: I wish I could go to a lighthouse!

M: A lighthouse?

K: Yeah, with Rock Obama...

M: Oh, the White House...

K: Yeah, the White House....with Rock Obama.

M: Did you dream about that last night?

K: Yep, you, Daddy, and brothers went to the White House. I wish I could go!

WHAT? Hilarious! :-)


  1. So funny! Let me know if his dream comes true.

  2. way to Kaden.....You may be the politician in the family and get to live in the White House...President McFarland sounds good to me!
    Love ya, Grandma Madsen

  3. What a kick! I've been to the White House - tell Kaden a lighthouse would probably been more fun.
