Apr 20, 2009

Well, almost there

My goal this week was to finally hit the 30 pound mark...

I almost made it...29.5 pounds to date.

I have made it a mission of sorts to include more protein and very little carbs. If I do have carbs, they are those filled with fiber... :-)


  1. Congrats!!! 30 pounds is really impressive. good job!

  2. Keep it up girl!!!

    You are awesome! I concur with Jill....most impressive!

  3. Hey, Jills sister Mindy here. I am on the weight loss band wagon too. Although I think we are suppose to call it "life style changes" or something like that. I have lost 37lbs since October. I know thats great and all but as you know when you are not at your "ideal" weight, you rarley look behind to revele in your progress, only ahead at that long, long, road. Anyway, congrats to you. I do like fitting into my clothes again. I was reading your last post about the 4lb weight gain (sorry..bodies do strange things usually mine is the monthly curse when I gain). Mostly I want to know what kind of work out are you doing that burns 1000 calories? And you are doing it 6 times a week? Wow. I thought my high of 700 was fabulous (usually I burn about 500 per work out).
